> Umm I didnt mean to offend anyone in my previous posting - I did say I
> probably hadnt presented my situation properly.

No problem, I just meant "don't give up so quickly."

> Ofcourse you noticed I wrote ePerl/EmbPerl/Mason ?? I clubbed them
> together since I assume among other things you can embed perl code in
> HTML using either of them.

You can, but they don't share any code with ePerl.

> My problem is that die works fine as such but it conks out if done
> inside a eval.

Okay, I missed the part about eval() before.  Take a look at this code
from Parse::ePerl::Evaluate() :
local $SIG{'__DIE__'}  = sub { $error .= $_[0]; };

That's going to kill your exception handling code.  You need to change
that if you want to be able to use eval() in your code.  Matt has an
explanation of this in the exceptions part of the mod_perl Guide.

> It feels like being told to
> change gcc's code if my C code is not working :) - yah both of them
> written in C .

Apache::ePerl is written in perl.  It calls Parse::ePerl to do the dirty
work, and some of that is written in C, but not the part that's causing
you problems.

- Perrin

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