On 2/1/02 10:39 PM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
> Rick Frankel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> The following patch, while probably not correct (and probably the cause
>> of the silent failure), covers it.
>> [...]
> I've incorporated your patch and uploaded it to the website.
> Hopefully other OS X'ers will be able to confirm it works now.

Well, I can confirm that it still doesn't work for me... :-/  Is everyone
using Perl 5.6.1 here?  Because somehow some of the files I downloaded had
the string "perl500503" embedded in them.  Even after search/replacing all
that, I ended up with an httpd that pukes with the same old symbol conflicts
when I try to start it.

I tried to track exactly what I was doing, command-line by command-line,
starting with the downloads from Joe's site, but that kind of got tossed
away when I had to make that excursion to fix the "perl500503" business.
I'll try again today and see if I can work out "clean" line-by-line example
that exhibits the continued failure on my end.


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