On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 10:39:02PM -0500, Joe Schaefer wrote:
> Great -  thanks a ton!
Not so great. I'm half asleep. You need to do patch -r or, apply the
forward patch included below...


--- http_main.c~       Mon Jan 28 04:07:46 2002
+++ http_main.c        Fri Feb  1 19:22:51 2002
@@ -7805,5 +7805,12 @@
     return ApacheRequest_new(r);
+#include "apache_cookie.h"
+ApacheCookie *suck_in_apcookie(request_rec *r);
+ApacheCookie *suck_in_apcookie(request_rec *r)
+    return ApacheCookie_new(r);
 #endif /* USE_APREQ */

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