Rod Butcher wrote:

> My .05... I run a small communal webserver. Software had to be free, secure,
> stable, support Perl, multiple domains and ASP, be reasonably simple,
> originally run on Win32 and be capable of migration to Linux later.
> Nobrainer -- Apache, mod_perl, Apache::ASP.
> Only difficulty was getting mod_perl installed, it helped that I had a
> background in IT, I suspect a non-professional would find it impossible.
> Which is a shame because Win$ users expect everything to work out of the box
> wihout having to know anything. That's not meant as a criticism, but I think
> it's the reality now.

I was thinking that too, but then I remembered that if you're not from an IT
background, you're probably not going to be able to write a line of mod_perl
code anyhoo.

But, yeah, the installation/compilation process is daunting for a
javascript/html jockey who is trying to pick which server side language (PHP,
Perl, Python, JSP, etc.) to learn.

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