On Mon, 2002-02-04 at 11:12, Oscar Serrano wrote:
> Hi:
> some days ago I wrote to ask for this problem: The CGI.pm (sometimes) could
> not receive the POST data. I tried all you recomended me here in the list.
> But I still had the problem. Finally I decide to kick out CGI.pm and start
> to use the old cgi-lib.pl. But I still had the same problem. Then I turnet
> to Apache::Request, and since I use it, I've never had the same problem.
> I just tell you because perphaps somebody may have the same problem. I
> don't really understan if the problem is in mod_perl, in Apache, in Templat
> Toolkit, in my ultrasecure patched kernel, in CGI.pm, but the point is that
> Apache::Request seems not to loose any post data :-?
> Thank you all.
> Oscar Serrano.

Did anyone of you guys by chacne compile PERL 5.6.1 with 'threading'.
Cuz I had the EXACT same porblem. The problem was 'fixable' in CGI.pm.

Look at the init() procedure. scroll down to line 453 where is calls
read_from_client() (version 2.79 but is in all versions of CGI.pm). Now
what I did was remove the reference to the STDIN filehandle and BINGO.
things worked fine. But I found that that was unacceptable to modify the
CGI.pm source. But that means reference handling was incorrect. I went
and put alot of debugging stuff in read_from_client() and confirmed that
the read() call was getting nothing returned becuase there wasn anything
in the file handle that was passed to it.

I 'thought' I had 2 exact matching systems. the one on the web server
(that was having this problem) and my workstation/dev box. My dev box
worked perfectly fine. 

At this point I was fed up with this and I started recompiling things.
:) started with perl. This time I just ran ./configure and held down the
"Enter" button (making sure I compiled libperl.so tho). remove the
current perl tree frm the system compleatly. installed it. reinstalled
all modules that I needed. That solved any problems. things run
perfectly now.

The only differnece is that I must of enabled multi-threading support
because there was that 'thread' directory tree present.

Jason Czerak

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