
Yes, I have installed all three (Apache 1.3.23, Perl 5.6.1, mod_perl 1.2.6)
from the tarball sources, tried to build and received the same results. I
haven't tried Perl 5.7.2. Now, because the same result was yielded, I revert
back to the ActiveState rpm version 5.6.1 Build 631. Do you believe that the
version of PERL or APACHE has something to do with it?

Thanks for the help - this is so frustrating.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ged Haywood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 2:16 PM
To: OCNS Consulting
Cc: mod_perl Mailing List
Subject: RE: FW: mod_perl compile problem

Hi there,

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, OCNS Consulting wrote:

> The Server is installed with Redhat Linux 7.2 with latest the kernel

Sorry if this has been covered, I haven't read all the thread:
did you get the sources for Perl, Apache and mod_perl as tarballs
or did you use RPMs?  If you used RPMS I'd say

1.  Grab the .tar.gz files for each - I'd suggest Perl 5.6.1, or 5.7.2
    if you like to live a fuller life.
2.  Create a directory /home/src (or something like that)
3.  Unpack the lot in there, i.e.
    $ cd ~/src
    $ tar xzf perl...
    $ tar xzf apache-1.3.23.tar.gz
    $ tar xzf mod_perl-1.26.tar.gz
    $ cd perl...
    $ ./configure
    $ make
    $ make test
    $ su
    # make install
    # exit
    $ cd ~/src/mod_perl...
    etc etc, don't forget to su each time to 'make install' and
    don't forget to exit from the root shell each time afterwards.

If that doesn't do it then we'll have to think again.


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