On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, OCNS Consulting wrote:

> Ged,
> Yes, I have installed all three (Apache 1.3.23, Perl 5.6.1, mod_perl 1.2.6)
> from the tarball sources, tried to build and received the same results. I
> haven't tried Perl 5.7.2. Now, because the same result was yielded, I revert
> back to the ActiveState rpm version 5.6.1 Build 631. Do you believe that the
> version of PERL or APACHE has something to do with it?
> Thanks for the help - this is so frustrating.

As Ged mentioned, unless you need Linux ActivePerl for some
reason, it's probably better to compile your own Perl, and with
as few non-default compile-time options as possible (eg,
multi-threading). You mentioned earlier that a vanilla Apache
compiles OK (without mod_perl support), so your problem is
probably something to do with ActivePerl's compile-time flags,
perhaps in combination with the other non-standard modules you're
trying to build at the same time.

If you do need ActivePerl, you might try building just
mod_perl alone to see if that works, and then add mod_ssl
and the others incrementally to see when it breaks. Or
perhaps try building mod_perl as a DSO outside the Apache
source tree - this is described in the INSTALL.apaci file
in the mod_perl sources.

best regards,
randy kobes

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