> > The only other way I can think of to solve this is to send my module
> > to this audience.  Please find it, attached, with home-grown modules
> > deleted.
> Have you tried debugging the old-fashioned way, i.e. remove things until
> works?  That's your best bet.  I suspect you will find that you have some
> module doing something with XS or sockets or filehandles that can't deal
> with being forked.

That's just the thing with memory corruption:

Adding or removing random code causes the SIGSEGV signature to change
(or causes the server to suddenly start working).  I am nearly
certain that the memory corruption is happening BEFORE the fork,
anyway, which is why I modified the subject line of this thread.
Thank you VERY, VERY much for your ideas, though - I will keep
looking while I wait for the powers that be to get my bounds checking

> - Perrin

\_/} Mark P. Fister             Java, Java, everywhere, and all    \_/}
\_/} eBay, Inc.                 the cups did shrink; Java, Java    \_/}
\_/} Austin, TX                 everywhere, nor any drop to drink! \_/}

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