Issac Goldstand wrote:
> Can I humbly suggest some articles that would lead to a guide for mod_perl
> 2?  I'm actually a bit embarrassed to admit that this is more out of
> personal laziness than real need... I've just been so swamped lately, I've
> never gotten around to looking at the API for Apache 2.0, and therefore have
> no idea what to expect :-)
> But it's still a useful thing to have...

Stas is definitely ahead of me on the 2.0 game.  really, after spending months and 
months working on
our book I haven't had the time to delve into 2.0 as much as I would like.  that, and 
with the
economy being what it is, my free time to get familiar with, contribute to, and work 
with 2.0 is
practically null...

of course, with proper funding, that could all change...



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