> our book I haven't had the time to delve into 2.0 as much as I would like.  that, 
>and with the
> economy being what it is, my free time to get familiar with, contribute to, and work 
>with 2.0 is
> practically null...
> of course, with proper funding, that could all change...

I'll be glad to PayPal you a buck.


%_=split/;/,".;;n;u;e;ot;t;her;c; ".   #   Andy Lester
'Perl ;@; a;a;j;m;er;y;t;p;n;d;s;o;'.  #   http://petdance.com
"hack";print map delete$_{$_},split//,q<   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   >

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