I send only. Using MIME::Lite as below.  Working real well.  Requirements
included attachments and return receipts.

Havn't had to do the whole mail server thing.


    use MIME::Lite;
    $lPB .= "\n\n";
    foreach $recip (@recips) {
      $recip = CheckEAddress($recip);
      $msg = build MIME::Lite From => $aApobj->getEmail_Address,
          To  => $recip, Subject => $Sub,
          Type => 'TEXT', Data => $lPB;

      $OpStatus .= "<BR><B>Recipient: $recip.</B>";
      if($aReceipt ne '') {  # If return reciept requested.
        $msg->add("Disposition-Notification-To"    =>
      #$TempFileName = $NewDocName;
      if(0==0) { # Production mode.
        attach $msg
          Type     => 'image/save_as_tiff',
          Encoding => 'base64',
          Path     => $TempFileName,
          Filename => $NewDocName;

----- Original Message -----
From: "will trillich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 3:49 PM
Subject: webmail for mod_perl?

> is there a sane implementation of webmail-style mod_perl
> modules for apache?
> we're looking to offer email access online through
> apache/mod_perl similar to what folks get at yahoo/egroups --
> and we're hoping to find some mod_perl code that'll hook into
> pop/imap email servers. (and we're hoping to avoid loading php
> into ram.) i saw a thread in the archives (begun on Wed, 12 Dec
> 2001 by Medi Montaseri) but most of the suggestions seemed to
> point to php. we're hoping to stick with mod_perl. :)
> rtfm welcome if you specify which fm to r. :) thanks...
> --thanks!
> --
> Legalize Liberty.
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