Does shutting down apache free up your locks?

(As an aside, I'm not sure I'll ever get over undef being proper closing
of a database connection; it seems so synonomous to free([23]).  I
expect something like $db->db_close() or something.)


On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Dan Wilga wrote:

> At 2:03 PM -0500 3/21/02, Aaron Ross wrote:
>>>  I'm testing with the Perl script below, with the filename ending
>>>  ".mperl" (which, in my configuration, causes it to run as a mod_perl
>>>  registry script).
>>  I would re-write it as a handler and see if Apache::Registry is partly
>>to blame.
> I tried doing it as a handler, using the configuration below (and the 
> appropriate changes in the source) and the problem persists. So it 
> doesn't seem to be Registry's fault.
> <Location /dan>
>          SetHandler perl-script
>          PerlHandler DanTest
> </Location>
> ---- source code ----
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> package DanTest;
> use strict;
> my $dir='/home/httpd/some/path';
> sub handler {
>       system( "rm $dir/__db* $dir/TESTdb" );
>       foreach( 1..5 ) {
>               my $env = open_env($dir);
>               my %hash;
>               my $db = open_db( "TESTdb", \%hash, $env );
>               untie %hash;
>               undef $db;
>               undef $env;
>       }
>       print "HTTP/1.1 200\nContent-type: text/plain\n\n";
>       print `db_stat -c -h $dir`;
>       print "\n";
> }
> sub open_env {
>       my $env = new BerkeleyDB::Env(
>               -Flags=>DB_INIT_MPOOL|DB_INIT_CDB|DB_CREATE,
>               -Home=> $_[0],
>               );
>       die "Could not create env: $! ".$BerkeleyDB::Error. "\n" if !$env;
>       return $env;
> }
> sub open_db {
>       my( $file, $Rhash, $env ) = @_;
>       my $db_key = tie( %{$Rhash}, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree',
>                       -Flags=>DB_CREATE,
>                       -Filename=>$file,
>                       -Env=>$env );
>       die "Can't open $file: $! ".$BerkeleyDB::Error."\n" if !$db_key;
>       return $db_key;
> }
> 1;
> Dan Wilga                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Web Technology Specialist           
> Mount Holyoke College                                Tel: 413-538-3027
> South Hadley, MA  01075    "Seduced by the chocolate side of the Force"

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