Based on others' comments, I found the solution to the problem. I 
just added a db_close(), and the problem is really, truly gone. For 
good measure, I put a db_sync() in as well.

Why db_close isn't necessary with 3.x, but is with 4.0 is the weird 
part. Maybe this suggests a bug in 4.0? Or is it just bad style to 
have left it out in the first place? I was under the impression that 
the untie/undef should have accomplished this implicitly within

Here is the modified test script:

--------- TEST SCRIPT ---------


use strict;

# Change me to something appropriate for your system
my $dir='/home/httpd/some/directory';

system( "rm $dir/__db* $dir/TESTdb" );

foreach( 1..5 ) {
        my $env = open_env($dir);
        my %hash;
        my $db = open_db( "TESTdb", \%hash, $env );
        $db->db_sync(); ### NEW
        $db->db_close();        ### NEW
        untie %hash;
        undef $db;
        undef $env;
print "HTTP/1.1 200\nContent-type: text/plain\n\n";
print `db_stat -c -h $dir`;
print "\n";

sub open_env {
        my $env = new BerkeleyDB::Env(
                -Home=> $_[0],
        die "Could not create env: $! ".$BerkeleyDB::Error. "\n" if !$env;
        return $env;

sub open_db {
        my( $file, $Rhash, $env ) = @_;
        my $db_key = tie( %{$Rhash}, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree',
                        -Env=>$env );
        die "Can't open $file: $! ".$BerkeleyDB::Error."\n" if !$db_key;
        return $db_key;

Dan Wilga                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web Technology Specialist           
Mount Holyoke College                                Tel: 413-538-3027
South Hadley, MA  01075    "Seduced by the chocolate side of the Force"

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