Here is the code I use (in this particular case it is being used with a 
redirect, but it doesn't work in any case.):

       my $cookieContent = Apache::Cookie->new(
                     -name    => 'userSession',
                     -value   => $cookieValue,
                     -expires => '+365d');


        $r->headers_out->set(Location => $redir);
        return OK; 

I tried expires => '+1Y', but that didn't work either.  Adding the domain 
doesn't do anything either.

On Saturday 23 March 2002 06:44 pm, Frank Wiles wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Mar 2002 18:52:14 -0500 Jesse and Rebecca Stay 
> > Has anyone had any issues in getting cookies to work with IE using
> > mod_perl? I have tried using both CGI::Cookie and Apache::Cookie, and in
> > both instances it works just fine under Netscape, but on IE it doesn't
> > even try to set the cookie.  Any ideas?
>    What are you expire times on your cookies? We ran into a situation where
>    I work that all of the Windows machines were in the wrong time zone
>    and with a 2 hour expire, IE would not set the cookie because it thought
>    it was already expired.  Netscape would however set the cookie anyway.
>    This may not be your problem, but it may be something to think about.
>  ---------------------------------
>    Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  ---------------------------------

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