There are different security levels that must be set.  You can also specifically tell the browser to accept
all cookies from a particular domain.  There is an article on MS site about this.  I forgot what it was.
You can probably search for it on google.

Frank Wiles wrote:
On Sat, 23 Mar 2002 18:52:14 -0500 Jesse and Rebecca Stay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Has anyone had any issues in getting cookies to work with IE using mod_perl?  
I have tried using both CGI::Cookie and Apache::Cookie, and in both instances
it works just fine under Netscape, but on IE it doesn't even try to set the
cookie. Any ideas?

What are you expire times on your cookies? We ran into a situation where
I work that all of the Windows machines were in the wrong time zone
and with a 2 hour expire, IE would not set the cookie because it thought
it was already expired. Netscape would however set the cookie anyway.

This may not be your problem, but it may be something to think about.


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