
If you have any idea where to find this code I would be thankful. I can only
find this..



At 04:47 PM 3/26/02 -0500, John D Groenveld wrote:
>> There are databases that allow you to change the current user without 
>> reconnecting.  In fact someone posted a module to do this a while back, 
>> but I can't remember which database it was for.  Seems like it was 
>> Sybase or Informix.
>Jeff Horn posted this a couple years ago either here or @ dbi-users
># Hacked Up Version of Apache::DBI
># Hacking by: Jeff Horn ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
># Purpose: This version of Apache::DBI maintains a SINGLE persistent
>#          connection to each database.  When the user changes on 
>#          subsequent connect calls, the DBI->func( ., ., 'reauthtenticate')
>#          is called to quickly authenticate the new user on the existing
>#          connection.
>I've used it for a few projects, I haven't really follow how changes over
>the last year to Edmund Mergl's Apache::DBI or Tim Bunce's DBI may have
>affected it.
>I recall one problem being when using different attributes to connect 
>Have fun.

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