On Tuesday 09 April 2002 7:53 am, Matthew Watson wrote:
> Heya.
>  I was wondering if there are any content management systems around for
> modperl , i'm after a similar kind of thing
> as postnuke for php. I'd much rather something 'out of the box' as I don't
> have time to develop a system from scratch mysql.

For community sites, use Slash - the engine behind slashdot 
(http://www.slashcode.com) - there's even a book about it.

For large scale content management - like for a news site - check out 
Bricolage (http://bricolage.thepirtgroup.com/). Bricolage is built upon some 
of the ideas of the content management system behind Salon.com (though they 
seem to be talking of replacing it with a Java/Cocoon based system).

<:->get a SMart net</:->

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