> >
> >For community sites, use Slash - the engine behind slashdot
> >(http://www.slashcode.com) - there's even a book about it.
> You should also check out scoop (http://scoop.kuro5hin.org/), the engine 
> that runs Kuro5hin.org. It's also written for modperl, and IMHO has some 
> extra community features that makes it better than slash for more 
> "democratic" sites where there are no "editors" like on /. who decide what 
> stories get posted. Oh, and it does have diaries. ;-)

Does anyone know of a more "portal" oriented engine?  in addition to
discussions and articles, a calendar, object level access control,
polls, approval based content management. 

A friend has to put together a community portal site for the university
he works for, on biological terrorism, no less!  So far, we  have been
unable to find anything in perl that provides the functionality needed.

The ArsDigita code seems pretty good, but it's seems to be somewhat
adrift and sloppy at this point.

Zope provides lot of features, but seems to be a closed little world,
ie. it's own db and it's own templating language.

Anybody know of something in mod_perl with this out of the box
functionality in addition to content management?

-- aaron

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