
apache 2.0.35 / mod_perl 1.99_01 / winnt

I confirm that using a module in startup.pl consisting of

use Data::Dumper ;
use XML::LibXML() ;

[1] use Apache::ServerUtil ;
[2] my $s=Apache->server ;
[3] my $base=$s->dir_config('some');
[4] my $xml=XML::LibXML->new();
[5] print Dumper $xml ;

causes the line [3] to output message "Attempt to free
unreferenced scalar"

line [4] causes apache segfaults "unhandled exception
perl56.dll" (XML::LibXML in version 1.31 or 1.40)

line [5] is executed before apache stops
$VAR1 = bless( {}, 'XML::LibXML' );

if I drop line [4] and [5], there is the line [3] message, but
apache does not seem to segfault.


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