apache 2.0.35 / mod_perl 1.99_01 / winnt or win2k

I confirm that using a module in startup.pl consisting of

>use Data::Dumper ;
>use XML::LibXML() ;
>[1] use Apache::ServerUtil ;
>[2] my $s=Apache->server ;
>[3] my $base=$s->dir_config('some');
>[4] my $xml=XML::LibXML->new();
>[5] print Dumper $xml ;

>causes the line [3] to output message "Attempt to free
>unreferenced scalar"

>line [4] causes apache segfaults "unhandled exception
>perl56.dll" (XML::LibXML in version 1.31 or 1.40)

>line [5] is executed before apache stops
>$VAR1 = bless( {}, 'XML::LibXML' );

here is a backtrace in case useful

PERL56! 28021683()
PERL56! 28071c17()
PERL56! 2805c910()
PERL56! 2805c5b1()
PERL56! 2805c577()
PERL56! 2805c577()
PERL56! 2805c870()
PERL56! 2805ba24()
PERL56! 2800c882()
PERL56! 2805c7f3()
PERL56! 2805ba24()
PERL56! 2800c882()
PERL56! 2805b9fd()
PERL56! 2800c882()
PERL56! 2805b9fd()
PERL56! 2800c882()
PERL56! 2805b9fd()
PERL56! 2800c882()
PERL56! 2805c248()
PERL56! 2805d510()
PERL56! 2805d16f()
MOD_PERL! 10001fb3()
MOD_PERL! 10002a22()
MOD_PERL! 10001840()
MOD_PERL! 10001796()
ap_run_post_config(apr_pool_t * 0x0078a830, apr_pool_t * 0x007ba660,
apr_pool_t * 0x007bc6a8, server_rec * 0x007a2508) line 130 + 89 bytes
main(int 1, const char * const * 0x00782760) line 569 + 22 bytes
mainCRTStartup() line 338 + 17 bytes
KERNEL32! 77e77903()

if I drop line [4] and [5], there is the line [3] message, but
apache does not seem to segfault.


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