On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 12:20:41PM +0200, Carlo Giomini - tesista Federico wrote:
> I can't manage very well with Apache and mod_perl. I have made an 
> installation of mod_perl WITHOUT building a new httpd daemon (NO_HTTPD=1),
> undergoing all the steps until the end (perl MAKEFILE_PL, make, make
> install). After that, I read on the Stas Bekman's guide at
> http://perl.apache.org/guide that mod_perl can albe installed as DSO, via
> apxs. The question is:
Sounds like you are on the right path.

> 1. Is it possible to do a new installation of mod_perl as DSO that
> 'overrides' (so to say) the (incomplete) preceding one or there is the
> risk to mess up things worse?
It is possible and very common to build it one way, install, then
build with different options and install over the top.

> 2. If this risk exists, I should procede with the old installation BUT
> what would I get at the end? Mod_perl statically built inside Apache?
Build what you want and install it. I wouldn't worry about the
previous installs unless you start changing the install targets (where
the files go in the filesystem). Then you may start to confuse yourself with
copies of apache, httpd.conf, etc scattered around the fs.

> 3. Is there a procedure to 'uninstall' the (incomplete) installation made
> so far?
The only procedure I know is to manually remove the files. There may
be a automated method, but I've never felt the need to find out about

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