On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 12:57:52PM +0200, Carlo Giomini - tesista Federico wrote:
> > > 2. If this risk exists, I should procede with the old installation BUT
> > > what would I get at the end? Mod_perl statically built inside Apache?
> > Build what you want and install it. I wouldn't worry about the
> > previous installs unless you start changing the install targets (where
> > the files go in the filesystem). Then you may start to confuse yourself with
> > copies of apache, httpd.conf, etc scattered around the fs.
> Thanks for the encouragement, but please tell me what would I get going on
> with the previous install: mod_perl statically linked? Also, I found
> already two different httpd.conf in the fs:
> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
> /usr/apache/conf/httpd.conf
> no idea what the /etc/... is worth for.

I'd recommend you use the command line args to work out what an apache
or httpd binary supports.
apache -V  will tell you where it gets its conf files by default
apache -L |grep LoadModule will output 'LoadModule (mod_so.c)' if it
supports a dynamic mod_perl
apache -l | grep -i perl should output something if mod_perl is
statically linked
apache -h or man apache will explain these and more options

As you may have noticed the apache binary is sometimes named httpd.
For example you may want to run:
/usr/sbin/httpd -l | grep -i perl
or something similar.

The extra .conf s and the .so s are harmless but may be a nuisance.

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