> PerlSetVar seems not to work for me! The part of interest in my httpd.conf
> looks like this:
>     Alias /contest /www/u-dev/contest
>     PerlModule Apache::Registry
>     PerlModule Apache::DBI
>     PerlTaintCheck On
>     <Location /contest>
>        PerlSetVar BlaTest BlaVal
>        SetHandler perl-script
>        PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>        PerlRequire /www/u-dev/contest/mod_perl_init.pl
>        Options ExecCGI
>        PerlSendHeader Off
>        allow from all
>     </Location>
> The mod_perl_init.pl script looks like this:
> use Apache;
> my $s = Apache->server;
> print $s->server_hostname || "Error";
> print $s->dir_config('BlaTest') || "Error";
> Now what happens at server startup is that the hostname gets printed
> correctly, but instead of the value of BlaTest (should be BlaVal) "Error" is
> printed.

you can't use $s (the server record) to capture PerlSetVar that exist on a 
per-directory basis (within a <Location> or <Directory> block).  try 


instead.  you should use $s->dir_config() for items set on a per-server basis 
only, not per-directory.


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