>(By the way: there's a typo at line 1 of the startup.pl 
>script: I think use Apache: should be use Apache;

Good catch!  :-)

>But following that guideline resulted in the next problem, I 
>could not yet solve on my own:
>PerlSetVar seems not to work for me! The part of interest in 
>my httpd.conf looks like this:
>    Alias /contest /www/u-dev/contest
>    PerlModule Apache::Registry
>    PerlModule Apache::DBI
>    PerlTaintCheck On
>    <Location /contest>
>       PerlSetVar BlaTest BlaVal
>       SetHandler perl-script
>       PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>       PerlRequire /www/u-dev/contest/mod_perl_init.pl
>       Options ExecCGI
>       PerlSendHeader Off
>       allow from all
>    </Location>

Try putting "PerlSetVar" AFTER "PerlHandler".

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator

West Yorkshire Perl User Group

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