Sören Stuckenbrock wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks to all of your help, I found a way to achieve the following
> goal:

Nice, but see below
> somescript.pl
> -----------------------------------
> #!/usr/bin/perl -wT
> use strict;
> use lib ".";
> use lib_netContest;
> use DBI;
> use CGI (qw:standard:);
> use vars qw(%c $config_module $db_handle);
> my $r = shift;
> if (defined $r && $r->dir_config('ConfigMod')) {
>    $config_module = $r->dir_config('ConfigMod');
> }
> else {
>    use netContestConfig;
>    $config_module = "netContestConfig";
> }

it's rather unusual to see use() inside the conditional code,
since use() is a compile time directive. meaning that netContestConfig 
will be always loaded no matter if $r->dir_config('ConfigMod') returns 
something or not.

You probably want to s/use/require/. require() is a runtime directive. 
Or move 'use netContestConfig;" to the top, so it'll be clear that it 
always gets loaded.

This is not a mistake to use use() here, however misunderstanding how
it works may lead to mistakes in the future.
Another comment is that it's a good idea to name your modules with some 
prefix, which most likely won't collide with some core or 3rd party 
modules. e.g. MyProjectName::netContestConfig. (whereas MyProjectName, 
is the name of your project :)

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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