At 07:44 24.04.2002, Martin Haase-Thomas wrote:
>Hi all,
>maybe this is going to be a little off topic, but it won't take you much time:
>I am quite certain that recently I saw a server response code concerning 
>forwarding. It may have looked like HTTP_DOCUMENT_FORWARDED or anything 
>alike. Silly enough I can't recall where I saw it (or whether I even just 
>dreamt it), so my questions are:
>1. Has anyone ever seen that ghost before?
>2. If I'm right, what is the correct memnonic, what's its code - and: 
>where an I find it? doesn't mention it.
>Hope it wasn't all just a dream...

Must have been :) Apache::Constants doesn't mention anything about FORWARD, 
neither does httpd.h. There is DOCUMENT_FOLLOWS, but that's got nothing to 
do with it.

What do you mean by forwarding anyway? Like redirect?

Per Einar Ellefsen

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