At 19:34 02.05.2002, Bart Frackiewicz wrote:
>Dear List,
>i want to create a server in mod_perl/apache, which receives request via 
>get/post (plain), process this request (with database access and some 
>functions) and answers in xml (with correct header), after planning this 
>about a month i realized that this is called a "web service".
>the difference between my solution and all articles was SOAP, which i 
>understand as an extension to http, so in my opinion i need something that 
>allows to parse the request and creates the output, is there a solution 
>for mod_perl anyway? and is this solution stable for a production server 
>which more than 10.000 request/day?
>i hope this is the right place to ask, but in all articles i read there 
>were only examples for java/tomcat, not for perl/mod_perl.

Yes, to the glory of the Perl community, we probably have the simplest 
answer you could want: It's called SOAP::Lite (but is nowehere near lite):

An example:
mod_soap enabled SOAP server:


   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlHandler Apache::SOAP
   PerlSetVar dispatch_to "/Your/Path/To/Deployed/Modules, Module::Name"

That's an example. Some may call web services hype, I don't really know, 
but atleast this will get you going. Stable enough? you'll have to ask 
someone else, but I think it should work well enough.

Per Einar Ellefsen

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