
Thanks for the reply. Yes this server is running mod perl :)

As for risky. Well the whole point of the script system is to add a pop mail
box for a user. But in order to do this i have to do the following:

add user to the passwd/shadow file
add user to the virtusertable and genericstable
recompile the sendmail config files

Then and only then is the new mailbox ready for use. This is the only way I
can think of to accomplish this via an automated web proccess. I dont even
know if you can do it any other way with out touching the passwd/shadow

Thanks! John.

> You're doing something pretty risky there. the passwd/shadow files are
> writable by root. So I suppose that when running them from the command
> you run them as root. Apache doesn't run as root (its children which serve
> the requests atleast), so mod_perl (I suppose you *are* using mod_perl? If
> not, this is more appropriate for another newsgroup) won't either.
> If you can run your script as CGI, you could use suEXEC. But really,
> consider the security implications of what you're doing there before
> allowing users to trash your machine very fast...
> --
> Per Einar Ellefsen

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