At 00:25 29.05.2002, Kent, Mr. John wrote:
>Now my question.  In the older version,(126) mod-perl created a larger
>webserver.  I could then add a file to its http.conf file
>which used Apache::Registry to load perl and my modules.
>I don't see how this works in the new version of mod-perl, because
>I don't see a "larger" version of the httpd server anywhere.
>When I did the install it just seemed to load into the Perl 5.6.1 libraries.

We'll need some more information about your build process... Normally, you 
specify the Apache Prefix (or the location of apxs) when running perl 
Makefile.PL. Then, you run make for mod_perl, ./configure and make for 
Apache 2.0, make test for mod_perl and I guess finally make install on both 

You should see the mod_perl 2 installation documents:

>Did notice in the overview
>"The details of these optimizations from the most part are hidden from
>     mod_perl users, the exception being that some will only be turned on
>     with configuration directives. A few of which include:
>     *   Inlined "Apache::*.xs" calls
>But not sure how to use it.

This isn't really related to your question.. Look through the 
documentation, but for the most part these optimizations happen without you 

Per Einar Ellefsen

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