On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Slava Bizyayev wrote:

> Since now the draft tutorial "Features of Content Compression for Different
> Web Clients" (for Part IV: Client side facts and bugs) is available for
> preview and discussion at
> http://devl4.outlook.net/devdoc/Dynagzip/ContentCompressionClients.html .

About browsers.
First we should not mention any browser that does not send 'Accept-Encoding'.
So remove Opera 3.5 from list.

Netscape 4.x
All NN 4.x does not understand chunked content. And they should not.
Chunked encoding is part of HTTP/1.1 and NN4.x support HTTP/1.0 only.
It's server bug if server sends chunked response to HTTP/1.0 request.
And your devl4.outlook.net has this bug (I suspect 1.3.24 mod_proxy).
So remove this bug from list.

Netscape 4.0-4.05 understand gzip and x-gzip. They did not
send 'Accept-Encoding'.

MSIE 4.x

 $r->header_in('Range') > 0
 length($r->uri) > 253

is wrong.

1. Range. We should send full (and probaly gzipped) response
to MSIE 4.x if it asks byte-range and our response can be gzipped.
We should disable byte-range but not gzipping.

2. $r->uri > 253. Not only $r->uri but also $r->args, server name, port
and user name and password. In short - all without 'http://' prefix.
URI can be - http://name:password@host:port/uri?args.
So in mod_deflate I simply check r->unparsed_uri > 200

MSIE 6.0
I do not understand this:

A: Unfortunately, IE6 (and perhaps earlier versions?) appears
   to have a bug with gzip over SSL where the first 2048
   characters are not included in the HTML rendering of the page
   when refresh is pressed. It only seems to happen on longish
   pages, and not when the page is first loaded. In fact, sometimes
   it doesn't happen at all. The only current solution is to put
   a 2048 character comment at the start of your longish pages
   of all spaces (which compresses pretty well, fortunately).

If "bug with first 2048 characters are NOT included in HTML rendering"
then why to put 2048 character comment ? Comments do not included
in rendering.

FlashPlayer 4.x-5.x

>Plug-in. Fails to decompress data received from the browser.

flash recieves all data from browser. But it can play gzipped swf
because all browsers (except NN 4.x for Windows) uncompressed them.
All flash players can not handle gzipped data received via loadVariables()
and XML.Load() (5.x).

You had mentioned Galeon and SkipStone but had not mentioned
Mozilla 0.9.1 and Netscape6.1b1 that have bug. Yes, this browsers
already old and rare but Galeon and Skipstone now include own version string.

It's much simply to translate from Russian my information than to try
to interpret it.

Igor Sysoev

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