Thank you all for all your input on this.

Here are the reasons why I chose web interface using Apache/CGI/Mod_perl/GD
for our front-end reports.

*  Quick solution. Our management needed the report screens in a very short

*   Our "C" application runs on two different OS and two different DB.
SCO openserver and Linux, Informix and Oracle.  Our front-end needed
multi-platform support.

* Perl can go with any major language. AFAIK, perl interaact very well with
any language.

* Re-designing the look and feel (appearance) is very easy with web

* GD generates graphs on the fly.  I don't know which other softwares do the

* With Apache/perl web interface you do not need to install anything
at the client side. (No dll/library installation problems).

* As Zac Morris said, we did not have time and resources to go through a
complex J2EE deployment.

  I would like to continue in the same web front-end path for more
interactive forms.  May be I will have to fight with Javascript more.
I just want to know is this the right path? Someone suggested
perl/TK.  Again, you have to write 4 different codes for 4 different

  More suggestions on this are welcome.

Once agin, thanks for all your input.


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