On 2 Jul 2002, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:

 Any obvious choices for a relatively small-scale e-commerce payment
 processing system for a server running apache / mod_perl?  

There are a few 'clearing house'  type services to which one can subscribe 
that do the actual cybercash-type transaction for you.  it can be 
expensive and prohibitively complicated to set up the services yourself.  
For small sites, I have fired off perl scripts that use openssl to 
connect to a serice we hired, passing the info they need, and waiting for 
a response that i parse and display to the user, as i write it to our 
db2 db as well with dbd-dbi..  Damned if i can remember the name of the 
service we used. i wrote it for the 1998 superbowl.

I can only imagine that the number of such services has proliferated since 
then, but i havent checked lately.  ive been out of e-commerce since 2000.  
Ive had a devil of a time running the cybercash (and similar) services for 
myself as every option seemed to be expensive, buggy, or lacking on 
customer support when the end customer inevitably asked questions i 
couldnt answer.  maybe they have improved in the last 2 years, butfiring 
it off to someone else (the classic SEP or 'somebody elses problem' theorem),
 waiting for a nice pleasant order 
number to be returned over ssl, and printing it to the screen branded as 
if my site did it all by itself is worth a small charge per transaction 
that youre going to end up paying anyway even if you do it all yourself.

Do you have a particular company doing your order fulfillment?  If so, 
they may have such an arrangement or service already in place.  a lot i 
ran into did.  


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