"Stas Bekman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As you may know, the work on the new mod_perl site started in
> September 2001, and after almost a year we are glad to present to you
> the outcome of this work at the expected location:
>    http://perl.apache.org/

fist, let me say: Great Job!  the new site looks fantastic, a *vast* and
long-awaited improvement.

i still notice, however that the *content* of the "Sites Running mod_perl"
page doesn't seem to have been updated.  about 6 months ago, i sent notices
about two sites that we (Vanguard Media) had launched to the email address
that used to be on that page, but they were never included.

is this being actively maintained now?  should i re-send now to the docs-dev
mailing list?

thanks and, again, Great Work!


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