Rob Nagler wrote:
> Apologies to those who are tired of the *ML vs. Perl debate.

I think you're confusing the issue.  You're not talking about in-line 
Perl vs. templating languages, but rather templating vs. a whole 
different concept.

Jean-Michel clearly wants to use HTML-based templates, and wrote his 
module specifically for that purpose.  When most people talk about 
templates for web pages, this is what they have in mind: HTML (or XML or 
PDF or whatever) bristled with processing instructions in Perl or a 
templating language.  It's an easy transition for people who already 
know HTML, and provides what most people want from a templating solution.

What Bivio uses could reasonably be called a template, but it's a 
completely different animal from the sort of "fill-in-the-blank" 
templates that most people mean, and maybe deserves a different name. 
It's more like a declarative program, or a configuration file, or 
widgets.  It is an alternative to traditional templating, but suggesting 
that this will fix issues with XML parsing is kind of like saying "you 
wouldn't need that winter coat if you lived in Hawaii" -- true, but not 
very helpful to someone who lives in Montreal and likes it.

- Perrin

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