Dave Rolsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Wed, 17 Jul 2002, Rob Nagler wrote:
>> > Petal lets me do that. If that's not of any use to you, fine. The world
>> > is full of excellent 'inline style' modules such as HTML::Mason,
>> > HTML::Embperl and other Apache::ASP.
>> These all work on the assumption that the template is written in HTML.
>Actually, neither Mason nor Embperl are HTML-specific these days.  Mason
>never really was, and Embperl has become much more generic with version 2,
>which is in fact now simply called Embperl.  Mason will probably changes
>its name eventually as well.


(As an example of a non-HTML [and potentially twisted] app:)

I'm working on our next-generation administrative web application
(handles some system account management and other similar things for
the University).  I decided early on to use the MVC paradigm because
the programmers (me) are better at programming the MC part than
writing the content for the V part.

So, looking at the modules available on CPAN (I'm trying to make
maximal use of CPAN), I decided to use the following:

  Mason (Controller): provides easy management of form values from
     the client, clean division between sections (init, once, shared,
     etc.), and nice inheritance.  For now, Mason is called from

  TT2 (View): makes it easy for non-programmers to edit XML and embed
     occasional references to data without having to understand the
     underlying object model -- views are ultimately called from
     Mason.  I use Data::FormValidator to decide which view to use.

  AxKit (View): translates the XML to the output device the customer
     is using.  Also can support themes.  Allows us to internally
     structure content in a logical manner that may ultimately aid in
     building a search engine (for a document repository, for
     example).  Also provides the site a the consistent look &

  Perl (Model): actual database manipulation is done through Perl

I think I am using each item in its strongest area.  There is no HTML
until AxKit sends it to the client.  It's also easier to throw a few
more CPUs or sticks of RAM at the solution than half-a-dozen
programmers that can't write anything customer-friendly or technical
writers that can't deal with code.  (Of course, one of my other
mantras is:  Always write for a webfarm.)
James Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 979-862-3725
Texas A&M CIS Operating Systems Group, Unix

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