Two reasons :

1.  My site-specific modules don't necessarily have a common namespace 
(or even several namespaces);
they just all live in /site/lib. Without a ReloadDirectories-like filter 
every time I add another module,
say, /site/lib/ I'll need to add Reports to ReloadModules, and 
restart the server.  

2.  Much more obscure,  related to HTML::Mason. As I mentioned in my post:

 In Mason components are 
precompiled and cached, so that perl code doesn't have to be re-parsed for every 

The cached files are require(d), and they end up in %INC.
It appears from ReloadDebug's output that those cached files are being checked by 

and if they have been modified - they'll be reloaded. The problem is, if the code has 
a syntax 

error, that error will occur when Apache::Reload re-require()s that file, and the 
error message 

will be printed to a log file, not to the browser - which is what Mason would do. 

So your browser will simply tell you that 'Internal error has occurred'
ReloadDirectories will simply ignore them, and let Mason deal with 
modified files.

Am I still missing something ?

Harry Danilevsky

Stas Bekman wrote:

> [...]
>> Anyway, I decided to add another directive to Apache::Reload
>> PerlSetVar ReloadDirectories "/site/lib /usr/local/apache/conf"
> Apache::Reload allows you to define which modules to reload using the 
> patterns like so:
> PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off
> PerlSetVar ReloadModules "Apache::* My::*"
> Is there any reason why you cannot use this approach?
> I've no objection to your proposal, just wondering whether the 
> existing features can be used instead.
> __________________________________________________________________
> Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
>     mod_perl Guide --->

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