Stas Bekman wrote:
Harry Danilevsky wrote:

I did send the patch to Matt couple of days ago, but haven't heard back yet.

Matt is on vacation

I suppose I can also brace myslef, add namespaces, and clean up my own code.

That's a good idea.

As for the versioning, if this patch could be useful in both mod_perl 1.* and 2.0,
can it be applied to both distributions? I don't quite understand why installing
Apache::Reload from CPAN will cause mod_perl2.0 to be installed, but I'll
try to think some more about it.

Because Apache::Reload is distributed on CPAN and is not a part of mod_perl 1.0. And a genetically modified version is included in mod_perl 2.0. The right solution is probably to make Apache::Reload a part of mod_perl 1.0 as well and kill the CPAN version, or simply have a higher number on it. So people won't need to install it manually.
I've committed your patch to the Apache::Reload version distributed with mod_perl 2.0 (plus documented the new feature). I've no control over the mod_perl 1.0 version maintained by Matt.

Thanks for the patch Harry.

Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

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