I am having troubles using XML::LibXML with PerlRun.  The script I am 
running runs just fine under CGI, but when using PerlRun, I get the 
following message:

PerlRun: `Can't locate object method "SendFault" via package "Entity: 
line 19: error: AttValue: ' expected
<SupplierRQ ID="7" TSID="thermeon.eds" StartLoc="345" TSStartLoc="
Entity: line 19: error: attributes construct error
<SupplierRQ ID="7" TSID="thermeon.eds" StartLoc="345" TSStartLoc="
Entity: line 19: error: Couldn't find end of Start Tag TravelSupplierRQ
<SupplierRQ ID="7" TSID="thermeon.eds" StartLoc="345" TSStartLoc="
Entity: line 19: error: Extra content at the end of the document
<SupplierRQ ID="7" TSID="thermeon.eds" StartLoc="345" TSStartLoc="
 at /usr/local/link/PerlRun/link line 26
" at /usr/local/link/PerlRun/link line 18, <S> chunk 21019.

The same script & input was used -- just the copy of the script in the 
cgi-bin directory works, and the copy in PerlRun doesn't.

Here are excepts from /usr/local/link/PerlRun/link:

#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict;
use XML::LibXML;

my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();

eval { &Main };  ##This is the line 18##

if ($@) {
        SendFault $@;

sub Main {
        my $doc = $parser->parse_fh(\*STDIN); ## this is the line 26 ##
        my $message = $doc->documentElement();
        ### things cut here -- read message and process it ###

sub SendFault {
        ### things cut here -- build an error message and print it to 

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