Hi Scott,

I had lots of problems using XML under Apache until I recompiled Apache 
with the "--disable-rule=EXPAT" rule as partially described in the AxKit 
FAQ <http://axkit.org/faq.xml>. I'm new to the world of XML so don't know 
whether this will help you or not. You didn't mention a segfault but this 
is just the kind of thing I was experiencing when trying to use an XML 
library under mod_perl. 

Perhaps if someone from the AxKit project is reading this message, they 
can modify that FAQ to save others the trouble of figuring out how "To 
compile Apache without expat, simply supply the option: RULE_EXPAT=NO". 
That is not a simple thing for new users <g>.

Good luck,

 Lead Developer
 Knowmad Services Inc. || Internet Applications & Database Integration

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