On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 09:45:53 -0500
Scott Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am having problems reading standard input while running under PerlRun. 
> I am trying to use text/xml data POSTed to an url, as opposed to form-data.
> I get the data when running in CGI mode, but I get zero bytes when 
> running in PerlRun mode. How do I read the data POSTed to the URL?
> I have isolated my problem down to this short script:
> #! /usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> use diagnostics;
> use XML::LibXML;
> my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
> my @input = <>;
> my $input = join("\n", @input);
> #my $doc = $parser->parse_string($input);
> #my $plainText = $doc->toString();
> my $plainText = $input;
> my $length = length($plainText);
> print "Content-type: text/plain\n";
> print "Content-length: $length\n";
> print "\n";
> print $plainText;
> The content length is 0!

I guess you've checked that $plainText isn't of length 0?


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