On Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 08:03:56PM -0700, Kyle Oppenheim wrote:
> There are a few performance penalties when using Apache::Registry:
> * Scripts are compiled at first request instead of server start unless you
> use something like Apache::RegistryLoader.  So, the first request per child
> will be a little bit slower and you don't get to share memory between httpd
> children.  (Memory sharing can be a big problem.)

But it still shares all the modules you pre-load in the http.conf,
right?  So how much memory is wasted depends on the size of the script
in question, or more accurately on how big its data structures are?
(including imported variables)

BTW, anyone know if Perl 6 will free unused memory?  From what I
understand, right now it just allocates as needed, but never gives any
back to the OS when it's done... (ie, when some function ends)

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