On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 08:15:23AM -0500, Nicholas Studt wrote:
> > Alan wrote [ 01 October 2002 at 03:09 pm ]
> > 
> > On Tue, Oct 01, 2002 at 11:30:59AM -0700, Alan wrote:
> > 
> > Turns out the issue was the 'expires' tag... IE wouldn't set the cookie
> > until it was set to '+1d'
> If setting the expires tag to +1d fixed the problem you may want to look
> at the time on the machine running IE. I ran into a problem where the
> clients clock was in the wrong timezone, this of course changed the
> distance from GMT and caused the cookie to be expired as it was sent. IE
> did not accept the cookie at all. However once the time was set
> correctly the cookie worked correctly.

Nope... one of the versions of IE that I was running was on the same
machine (running through crossover office).  

Looks like my little problem really had nothing to do with refreshing
and setting cookies, but it was actually in the way that parsing works in 
Apache::Cookie (and CGI/CGI::Cookie).  When the expires is set to "+3d" 
the cookie is set as follows:

Set-Cookie=name=value; path=/path; expires=Sat, 05-Oct-2002 15:10:06 GMT 

But when it's set to "3d" the cookie is set as:
Set-Cookie=name=value; path=/path; expires=3d 

Which makes sense, but it's a very subtle thing IMHO, and to me "1d"
means "expire in one day", the same as "+1d".

Anything think that this deserves a bug report, or chalk it up to stupid
user syndrome?


Alan "Arcterex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   -=][=-   http://arcterex.net
"I used to herd dairy cows. Now I herd lusers. Apart from the isolation, I
think I preferred the cows. They were better conversation, easier to milk, and
if they annoyed me enough, I could shoot them and eat them." -Rodger Donaldson

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