Josh Chamas wrote:

>   Set MaxRequestsPerChild to 100 for applications that seem to leak
>   memory which include Embperl 2.0, HTML::Mason, and Template Toolkit.
>   This is a more typical setting in a mod_perl type application that
>   leaks memory, so should be fairly representative benchmark setting.

Maybe I'm more careful about memory growth than some people, but 100 
sounds a bit on the low side to me.  I use Apache::SizeLimit instead of 
MaxRequestsPerlChild, but I'm pretty sure every child serves more 
requests than that.  Did it seem to affect the performance numbers much?

Incidentally, I hate to call this stuff "memory leaks", since it's 
usually just normal growth as memory gets used.  Calling it "leaks" 
implies that memory is being wasted as a result of mistakes with 
pointers or some such.  When people hear "memory leaks" they go running 
for stuff like Apache::Leak, thinking they can find some problem and fix 
it, which is usually not the case.

- Perrin

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