On Mon, 14 Oct 2002, Josh Chamas wrote:

> This is interesting.  I should look into upgrading to perl 5.8 on
> these tests & see what difference there may be.
> You might also see if it makes a difference if you run the tests for
> a long enough time.  I run them at least 60 seconds for these benchmarks
> which may make a difference.

I ran the Mason 2000 test for 60 seconds and it only used about 20MB.

> I think that is how Gerald achieves his low memory footprints generally
> in Embperl, since he is doing most of his stuff in C it seems, and still
> offering all the advanced features we have in the other application frameworks.

It might be worth trying to implement a few parts of Mason in C,
particularly the Buffer class, though I'm not really sure I'm the one to
do it, given my weak (and without honor) C skills.


we await the New Sun

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