It sounds like mod_perl is installed and running OK. Quoting from

   In the general case, access control directives
   should not be placed within a <limit> section.

Do you need the <limit> section? Can you run without it?


"Mitchel, Jennifer (Jem)" wrote:

>   I am running Apache 1.3.22 and mod_perl 1.21 on a Sun Solaris 2.6 machine.  I'm 
>sure Apache and mod_perl are running as I can successfully grab that out of 
>$ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE}.  I'm using perl 5.005_03.
>   I am trying use a .htaccess file to allow NT Authenitcation on a directory.  
>However, I am getting a server error
>   > Syntax error on line 6 of /web/content/askLucent/password-reset/.htaccess:
>       > Invalid command 'PerlAuthenHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a
>       > module not included in the server configuration
> Here are the contents of my .htaccess file
> <Limit GET POST>
> AuthName "NT Domain\Login and Password"
> AuthType Basic
> #PerlSetVar NT_Controllers 'na02il0015dc00:na02il0015dc01'
> PerlSetVar NT_Controllers 'na02il0015dc04:na02il0015dc01:NA02IL0015DC02'
> PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenN2
> require valid-user
> </Limit>
> I did build mod_perl with EVERYTHING=1 and did a make install and stopped & 
>restarted Apache.  Printing out the SERVER_SOFTWARE environment variable it shows 
>'Apache/1.3.22 (Unix) mod_perl/1.21'.  What else can I do to see if mod_perl works?
> Jem
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Piner [mailto:stevep@;]
> Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 3:30 PM
> To: Mitchel, Jennifer (Jem)
> Subject: Re: mod_perl / PerlAuthenHandler question
> "Mitchel, Jennifer (Jem)" wrote:
> >
> > Steve,
> >
> >   I read your reply to a POST:  
> >
> >   I am seeing the same error & I did build my mod_perl with EVERYTHING=1.  Any 
>other ideas on what I'd be missing?
> >
> > Jem
> No idea as yet.  What operating system are you building on?  What is the
> command line you are using?  Does mod_perl work OK other than the
> authentication and authorisation?
> Also, do you mind if we also send replies to the mod_perl list? I don't
> know everything, and someone is more likely to spot any errors that I
> might make.
> Steve
> --
> Steve Piner
> Web Applications Developer
> Marketview Limited

Steve Piner
Web Applications Developer
Marketview Limited

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