Hi -

I'm having a problem on Windows 2000 where DBD::Oracle works fine from
perl on the command prompt but not from inside mod_perl.  I think it is a
problem loading DLLs but I can't figure out what's different running under
mod_perl.  The machine is running:
   ActiveState perl 5.6.1 build 633
   Apache 1.3.26 (prebuilt)
   mod_perl 1.27_01-dev (Randy Kobe's build)
   DBD-Oracle8 (ActiveState ppm)

>From "perl -de 0" on the command line (abbreviated output):

  DB<1> use DBI;
  DB<2> $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:db","user","passwd");
  DB<3> @rows = $dbh->selectrow_array("select * from dual");
  DB<4> x @rows
0  'X'
  DB<5> x $ENV{PATH}
0  'C:\\Perl\\bin\\;C:\\WINNT\\system32;C:\\WINNT;
    C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Adaptec Shared\\System;

When I do the same thing in my handler (nothing in startup.pl), the first
request generates this error log message:

[Wed Oct 30 17:15:00 2002] [error] install_driver(Oracle) failed: Can't
load 'C:/Perl/site/lib/auto/DBD/Oracle/Oracle.dll' for module DBD::Oracle:
load_file:The specified module could not be found at
C:/Perl/lib/DynaLoader.pm line 206. Compilation failed in require at (eval
14) line 3.
Perhaps a required shared library or dll isn't installed where expected

and all subsequent requests generate these error log messages:

Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method DBD::Oracle::ORA_OCI() is
deprecated at C:/Perl/site/lib/DBD/Oracle.pm line 48.
[Wed Oct 30 17:16:21 2002] [error] DBD::Oracle initialisation failed:
Can't locate auto/DBD/Oracle/ORA_OCI.al in @INC (@INC contains:
C:/Perl/lib C:/Perl/site/lib c:/apache/ c:/apache/lib/perl) at
C:/Perl/site/lib/DBD/Oracle.pm line 48

I've verified that the PATH in my handler matches what I see at the
prompt, and I know Oracle.dll exists.  Occasionally (but not consistently)
Apache.exe will pop up an error dialog saying it couldn't find OCI.dll or
OCIW32.dll in my PATH, but the PATH it shows me in that dialog includes
C:\apps\orant\bin and those DLLs are in there.

Any help appreciated!

Larry Leszczynski

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