On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, Larry Leszczynski wrote:

> Hi Perrin -
> > >I'm having a problem on Windows 2000 where DBD::Oracle works fine from
> > >perl on the command prompt but not from inside mod_perl.  I think it is a
> > >problem loading DLLs but I can't figure out what's different running under
> > >mod_perl.  The machine is running:
> > >   ActiveState perl 5.6.1 build 633
> > >   Apache 1.3.26 (prebuilt)
> > >   mod_perl 1.27_01-dev (Randy Kobe's build)
> > >   DBD-Oracle8 (ActiveState ppm)
> > >
> > 
> > You can't just mix and match like that.  Modules that you want to use 
> > under mod_perl have to be built against the same perl that mod_perl was 
> > built with.  If there is a DBD::Oracle with Randy's distro, use it. 
> >  Otherwise, you need to build DBD::Oracle with the same perl he used, or 
> > build mod_perl with ActiveState 633.
> Hmmm, I was hoping that was not the case - all my other mod_perl stuff
> works fine, including libapreq stuff and SOAP::Lite, but maybe just by
> coincidence...
> Hey Randy, do you happen to have a DBD-Oracle build?

I don't, but I thought that compatibility shouldn't be a problem
in this context. I know it's getting confusing a bit with all the
different versions, but the mod_perl-1.27 ppm package I compiled
with an ActiveState 633 compatible Perl against Apache-1.3.27,
which matches the versions of stuff you list above ...

>From your earlier message, it seemed to be having a problem
finding certain dlls ... Just to test things, if you temporarily
copy these dlls to a "standard" location in your PATH, does that
help? Or, in your script/handler, or in a startup file, if you
explicitly set $ENV{PATH} to include where the Oracle dlls are,
does that work? And, finally, does Oracle need any special
environment variables that may be visible at a command prompt
that aren't being passed to the mod_perl environment?

best regards,

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