When running under mp2, I don't seem to get any warnings to the Apache log 
regardless of what I do.  

I haveread that mod_perl 1.0 ate these warnings, and that you could use the 
Apache::LogSTDERR module to work around this.  However, I haven't had 
any success trying to build Apache::LogSTDERR on my system (the C code 
seems to be Linux specific).

PerlWarn On directive is set in my http.conf file, and all scripts have the -w in 
the shebang line.

I'm running Apache 2.0.43 with mod_perl 1.99_08 (the latest 2.0 version I 
believe) with ActivePerl 5.6.1 on a Win2K SP2 server installation.

Any way to get warnings into the log...or route them elsewhere with this setup?


Andrzej Jan Taramina
Chaeron Corporation: Enterprise System Solutions

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