Randy Kobes wrote:

On Mon, 16 Dec 2002, Steve Hay wrote:

I'm having trouble compiling mod_perl 1.27 (with Apache 1.3.27 / Perl 5.8.0) on Windows (XP SP1 with MS VC++ 6.0 SP5).

It builds fine with Perl 5.8.0 standard sources, but I'm just trying to upgrade my Perl to the slightly patched sources that ActivePerl Build 804 uses. I've built Perl from these new sources with the same build options that I used before for the standard source build (no threading, and Perl's malloc). (The output of "Perl -V" is at the bottom of this mail.)

[ .. ]
Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
Compile-time options: USE_LARGE_FILES

I've found the same thing - I believe it's because of the
USE_LARGE_FILES support that ActivePerl 8xx has enabled, and this
runs into a conflict with the standard Win32 apache-1 which
doesn't have such support (in the above, statcache is from the
Perl side, and r->finfo is from Apache). This is still being
looked into ...

One possibility is to recompile Apache with large_file support,
but this is non-trivial. And since the bulk of Win32 development
on Apache is going into Apache-2, it may be hard to get an Apache
developer to look at this.

Looking at mod_perl (1.27)'s Makefile.PL I see that there is a uselargefiles_check() routine that originally warned about conflicts, but now (as of 1.27, according to the Changes file) automatically sets PERL_USELARGEFILES=0 to try to avert disaster. But the only difference that this seems to make is to stop Perl's $Config{ccflags} from being appended to PERL_EXTRA_CFLAGS. However, my Perl (804)'s $Config{ccflags} doesn't mention anything to do with large_files, so it's hardly surprising that disaster is not averted (if this is indeed the problem).

Is there some other way, for Win32, to achieve what the PERL_USELARGEFILES=0 hack tried to do?

I also see that the warning that was originally output by uselargefiles_check() suggested re-building Apache with large_files support by simply specifying a couple of extra defines. I take it from what you're saying that it isn't quite as trivial as that on Win32?

By the way, mod_perl-2 (for use with Apache2) compiles fine with
the ActivePerl sources.

I've been reluctant to use mod_perl 2 for anything more than testing purposes yet because its current version number (1.99_07) doesn't fill me with confidence that it's sufficiently stable. The mod_perl setup that I'm trying to build is destined for a production environment, so I'd rather stick to more tried and tested things for now.

I would be interested to hear how stable people think mod_perl 2 currently is on Win32.

- Steve

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