Hello Ken,
        You gave me a glimmer of hope and enthusiasm.  I have scanned through the
recent postings on Mod Perl list in vain.

        I would like to know any such standalone servers that could process the
perl requests offline (taking requests from a file or queue end).

        I definitely would like to get fancier as my requirement is immediate.
Upon finding a server that could process the requests away from mod_perl, I
most probably would modify mod_perl to communicate with the standalone
servers via sockets (and maybe maintain persistence).

many thanks

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Y. Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 9:02 PM
To: Chandrasekhar R S
Subject: Re: Query

On Tue, 7 Jan 2003, Chandrasekhar R S wrote:

> Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 12:52:27 +0530
> From: Chandrasekhar R S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Query
> I am having a requirement as follows :
>       I need to execute/interpret the perl requests away from mod_perl.  Like,
> could mod_perl delegate the execution/interpretation of perl scripts to
> other process.  In the end, mod_perl would be used just to accept requests
> from the Web Server, but processing will be done elsewhere and response
> be routed back through mod_perl.
> - rsr.
> Namaste,
> R S Chandrasekhar
> ISD     : 091-080-2052427
> Telnet : 847-2427
> Phone : 2052427


You can certainly do something like this, in many different ways.
This *is* still Perl, you know.  :-)  You could use your mod_perl
process to update a queue that's in a file or database table, then
have another process (written in Perl or whatever) executed by a cron
job to look at the queue and process the next job.  The user could be
given a token to associate with the job, then then check back later to
get the results of the job.  If you need it to be more immediate, then
you'll have to get fancier.  If it's a really long-running process you
need to kick off, you'll need to take into account the dangers of
forking your mod_perl process or having it wait around for the end of
the job.

Have you tried searching the archives for similar questions?  Here's
one place you can search:




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